On 08/03/2018 08:40 PM, David Haller wrote:
Let's see what our then ML-Admin had to say about that a while ago and why the lists are run with mlmmj:
==== Wenn diese Liste über Mailman betrieben würde, dann würden wir den ganzen Tag nichts anderes machen als eine Menschenkette zum nächsten Computerladen aufrechtzuerhalten um RAM in einem konstanten fluss in lists.suse.com einzubauen ;) -- suse-linux-owner, ebenda ==== If this list were run with mailman, we'd have to have a chain-of-people to the next computer-store all day to install a constant stream of RAM into lists.suse.com ;) ====
Could you please elaborate on what "a while ago" really means? I suspect that this statement is really old and I doubt that today you can even buy such a small amount of RAM (minimum needed for mailman) for a server anymore. That does not mean that o.o should blow up all its infrastructure with RAM hogs. But it also does not mean to still run ancient ML software just because it's implemented in C. (BTW: Does mlmmj sill receive good security reviews? Or at least are decent AppArmor profiles in place?) Ciao, Michael.