11 Aug
11 Aug
On 2006-08-11 at 16:17:22 +0200, Dominique Leuenberger wrote (shortened):
Stefan Bogner <sbogner@novell.com> 11-08-2006 16:57 >>> Am Freitag, 11. August 2006 15:54 schrieb Kevin Ivory: thunderbird doesn't
Thanks for this advise! In this case, openSUSE should have this extension compiled in the packages. So all openSUSE users can profit from it.
In most packages this is the case, but it's still only for bouncing. Wolfgang Rosenauer -- SUSE - A Novell business -o) Tel: +49-(0)911-740 53 0 Maxfeldstr. 5 /\\ Fax: +49-(0)911-740 53 489 90409 Nuernberg, Germany _\_v