On Thursday, March 29, 2018 6:43:51 PM CEST Jan Engelhardt wrote:
On Thursday 2018-03-29 16:15, Martin Herkt wrote:
So I’ve noticed that the default CPU performance governor on Intel CPUs is still “powersave”. This causes the CPU to stay in the lowest frequency tier most of the time,
Well, no. The classic "powersave" governor kept the CPU in the lowest frequency *at all times* without exception. What you describe is the "ondemand" governor.
Except that... intel_pstate does not even use classic governors.
https://plus.google.com/+ArjanvandeVen/posts/dLn9T4ehywL https://lwn.net/Articles/536017/
As to what the strangely named file /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor is about, is this:
if (cpu_data->policy == CPUFREQ_POLICY_PERFORMANCE) min = max;
So setting min_perf_pct and max_perf_pct yourself whilst staying on the "powersave" policy has the same effect.
Ah, right, I was referring to what “cpupower frequency-info” would print, so that’s a little misleading :)