On Thursday 20 of November 2014 10:11:20 Stanislav Baiduzhyi wrote:
On Wednesday 19 November 2014 17:58:07 šumski wrote:
Which leads me to another question: maybe it will make sense to do the same change for libqt4 instead of the patch I suggested earlier?
Yes, i would think that also makes sense. Not even instead of suggested patch, but instead of the current Qt4 use-freetype-default.patch. (afaik anti- aliasing is available w/o FT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_RENDERING)
Will you do that for 13.2? :) If yes - should we expect the 13.2 to be added to KDE:Qt or it will go to official update?
Well, first step is to get it accepted in the devel project =) Regarding 13.2, i am not sure this is something maintenance would accept? After all, it affects only users of 3rd party-built freetype2... And wrt. KDE:Qt, i do not know, i'm not a maintainer there =) Cheers, Hrvoje