I can confirm at least the one with the gray symbol with question mark, despite a working wireless connection is established. Ethernet I will see on Monday at work.... Cheers, Robby. -- On Samstag, 24. September 2016 23:18:06 CEST Chan Ju Ping wrote:
The last update brought about strange changes to the indicator settings in TW.
I no longer see my Ethernet connection setting in the network manager Plasma widget, and have to actually turn on the full configuration to connect to or share an Ethernet connection.
Connecting to a Wifi network no longer places the successful connection at the top of the list, and in fact the only indicator that there is a connection is the Plasma widget showing the connection bars.
Successfully connecting to a VPN connection turns the full bars into an icon without any bars with a question mark, indicating there is no connection, but I am able to surf the web!
Is anyone else seeing these bugs? There seem to be too many happening all at once.