On Fri, 2019-08-30 at 00:38 +0200, Michal Suchánek wrote:
On Thu, 29 Aug 2019 15:24:06 +0000 Martin Wilck <Martin.Wilck@suse.com> wrote:
On Mon, 2019-08-26 at 11:45 +0200, Mathias Homann wrote: (*) In case you wonder: the solution that worked for me was adding a rich rule
rule family="ipv4" source address="192.168.X.Y/24" masquerade
to the rule set of zone "B", where the above address was associated with an interface in zone "A". I did not find a way to express this in terms of zones exclusively.
Or in summary: no, it is not ready. That said, I never tried any serious firewalling with susefirewall2 either.
What bothers me more is that one of the advertized advantages of firewalld, playing nicely with libvirt's virtual networking, doesn't work for me on openSUSE. I keep typing firewall-cmd commands to fix packet flow between virtual and real networks. I'm probably just missing something... The positive side of it is that firewalld at least enables me to fix this stuff dynamically, without having to disable or reload the complete rule set. Cheers, Martin N�����r��y隊Z)z{.���r�+�맲��r��z�^�ˬz��N�(�֜��^� ޭ隊Z)z{.���r�+��0�����Ǩ�