On 1/6/23 23:46, Martin Wilck wrote:
On Fri, 2023-01-06 at 21:24 +0100, Michael Ströder wrote:
how can I disable this /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/ madness without rebuilding the package without openssh-8.4p1-ssh_config_d.patch? Th elatest openssh-package update has this change which breaks all my SSH client configs:
This is hard to answer without knowing how your client configs are implemented.
The idea of the patch below is that you put your local config in /etc/ssh_config.d, where they will override the defaults stored in /usr/etc/ssh_config.d.
Iundertand the basic idea bu it won't solve any problem for me and just silently breaks working setups.
* Wed Jul 06 2022 Adam Majer <adam.majer@suse.de> - openssh-8.4p1-ssh_config_d.patch: admin overrides should take priority (listed first) over package defaults
That makes sense to me. Please explain why you call it "madness".
Because I had a hard time today to find out why the most *basic* SSH config items like known_hostschecking and key-based-authc did not work anymore at all-!ssh -vvvhave me the hint thta it look for files which will never exist on my laptop. This breaking change should not have been publishshed without being announced more clearly here. I remember the discussion about similar issues with sshd_config breakage couple of months ago. It completel