On 4/28/21 3:03 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
On 4/28/21 2:55 PM, Normand wrote:
For you information, I will retire from work this summer and so will stop also my work for PowerPC on openSUSE. IBM decided to not allocate a new resource as my replacement, so you will be on your own to continue PowerPC support on openSUSE.
Can you shed a bit more light on what you are currently doing as a PowerPC maintainer for openSUSE?
I am monitoring * Factory and Leap PowerPC projects in OBS for package build failures, * openQA related tests to be able to have related iso/repo snapshots to be published. I previously tried to summarize that activity in the wiki page https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:PowerPC/TODO
I'm the primary maintainer for the 32-bit and 64-bit big-endian ports in Debian, so I might be able to help out. I assume we don't need any build server capacity, do we?
-- Michel Normand