Am 18.10.23 um 19:21 schrieb Mykola Krachkovsky:
вівторок, 17 жовтня 2023 р. 01:40:20 EEST Aaron Puchert написано:
Am 29.09.23 um 21:11 schrieb Martin Schreiner via openSUSE Factory:
3 - libalternatives supports user overrides: non-root users can override the alternatives by creating their own local preference file in $HOME/.config/libalternatives.conf. This may be done by invoking "alts" directly, as it serves both purposes. This alone doesn't prohibit symlinks: local overrides could be done via symlinks in ~/bin, and it would still be transparent.
shebang usually looks like #!/usr/bin/ruby #!/usr/bin/python3 ..., etc...
~/bin links wouldn't affect run scripts.
Script writers often use `/usr/bin/env <interpreter>`. So if you're just checking out a GitHub repo, it will likely use the interpreter of your choice. Scripts in packages use a hardcoded path, and rpmlint checks for that. But since they live in system directories, they should probably use the system default, not the per-user default. But I realize that this is a point of contention, and others might have a different opinion on that. Aaron