вівторок, 15 серпня 2017 р. 15:18:04 EEST Stefan Dirsch написано:
Since today there are updated NVIDIA gfx driver RPMs available for Tumbleweed. Feel free to give them a/another try by adding the repository manually via
zypper ar https://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/tumbleweed nvidia-tumbleweed
Hi, is there any hints to install it on "optimus" laptop? I'm aware that switching between GPU's would not work, I want to try pure nvidia on parallel installation (for tests and Vulkan). I've removed bumblebee, bbswitch, bumblebee-nvidia packages. Restarted and installed packages from nvidia repository. There was still Intel driver used. I've run nvidia-xconfig (which looks kinda buggy), and got strange /etc/X11/ xorg.conf [1]. Tried to boot with it anyway but X hadn't started and got fast switching from one to other tty. It's almost unable to login while that. Restarted without X, renamed xorg.conf and added manually to xorg.conf.d only essential parts [2]. But after restart got the very same behaviour — fast switching between tty's. Is that something of bumblebee left or something other is wrong? There is no any /usr/lib*/libGL.so.1.2* files. Intel i7 6700HQ NVidia GTX970M openSUSE Tumbleweed x86_64 boot options: acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2009" SDDM KDE Plasma 5 [1] http://susepaste.org/38919395 [2] http://susepaste.org/42224432 -- Kind regards, Mykola Krachkovsky -- Найкращі побажання, Микола Крачковський