On 12/07/2021 19.05, Joe Salmeri wrote:
Ha! You are funny!
Can you hear me now? :-)
Typical mail list humour :-)
FYI, I reported the issue to the admin and they replied that the archive process had failed. I use lists.opensuse.org to read the messages in my browser so that is why it was not showing any new messages since 07/05/2021.
They restarted the archive process and it appears to have caught up since new messages are now displaying (including my test message and your reply).
Although I'm subscribed, I have not gotten the list server messages in email so wonder that that is another issue?
Do you use something other than your web browser to read the list server messages?
I do not use the web archive to read email, but only the email that arrives at my inbox. Besides, this new archive seems to not be fully reliable for one reason or another. I did not know you were using the archive. To most of us, the list was working normally all the time. Now, you are using gmail, and that means that you will never see your own messages in your inbox: that's a gmail (mis)feature. Gmail intentionally removes "duplicates". You send an email, there is a copy made in your Sent folder. You get that email back from the list; it has the same message-id, Gmail says it is a duplicate, and deletes it. No, you can not disable this feature. Further, when people that reply to your posts do so using "reply-to-all", the direct copy to you normally arrives first at your inbox, and the copy via the mail list arrives later; same message-id, so it will be deleted and you will not see it. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from oS Leap 15.1 x86_64 (Minas Tirith))