Because usually, everyone who uses Linux distributions is used to learn to program, hoping to have an out-of-the-box environment. Linux is more widely used than just by programmers, and programmers tend to know more about computers and know how to install software. That's why the default installation tends to have more software for non-programmers (e.g. LibreOffice), because there is a greater worry
Am 12.02.23 um 11:57 schrieb 蒋明强: that non-programmers might not find what they need and then jump ship. Programmers will need some perseverance anyway. ;-) Also, many programmers work with other technologies than C/C++. To be fair, we do ship Python, Ruby (though maybe not irb), and Perl. But that's mostly because the interpreters are needed to run the system, and it doesn't necessarily come with packages needed for development.
Scholars who are new to Linux see the command line gcc -o xxx.c in C language textbooks, do not know zypper, do not know how to switch sources,
You don't really need to know zypper for that, if you type in the command, bash will tell you what to do (I have gcc installed, so let's do gcc-11 instead): $ gcc-11 -c -o test.o test.c If 'gcc-11' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this: cnf gcc-11 $ cnf gcc-11 The program 'gcc-11' can be found in the following package: * gcc11 [ path: /usr/bin/gcc-11, repository: zypp (repo-oss) ] Try installing with: sudo zypper install gcc11 $ sudo zypper install gcc11 ... and you have a working C compiler. Just for fun, let's try it in Chinese: $ LANG=zh_CN.UTF8 LANGUAGE=zh_CN LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF8 bash $ gcc-11 -c -o test.o test.c 如果 'gcc-11' 不是输入错误的话,你可以使用 command-not-found 命令来查找它在哪个软件包中,就像这样: cnf gcc-11 $ cnf gcc-11 The program 'gcc-11' can be found in the following package: * gcc11 [ path: /usr/bin/gcc-11, repository: zypp (repo-oss) ] 试着使用下面命令安装: sudo zypper install gcc11 Not perfect, but you should get the idea.
so they have to endure very slow download speeds, so I hope it has an environment for writing C by default.
Fair enough, though GCC should be manageable even with slower connections. (It should be around 50–100 MB with deps.) That being said, one of the first things I do on a new installation is to install GCC, so I'm not against this. Just wanted to explain why it might not be shipped by default. Aaron