On May 09, 11 15:13:08 -0700, Greg KH wrote:
How about: - fix up obvious problems in the packages before requiring changes in the license-bot to be stopping others from checking stuff in?
It isn't difficult to fix up 170 different packages and submit the changes if your tool can flag them.
Indeed, that is trivial. This is actually what we do. We submit changes back, as soon as we have identified a license change. (Otoh, I fear that this is exactly what annoyed Kay.) The main issue is: knowing which package requires a fix is the hard work. Most of the 170 queued packages probably don't need any fixing at all.
It's a pain, yes, but to expect others to do the work for you when you changed the rules is a bit unfair, don't you think?
I accept the infair bit, whenever the license says 'Contact Author', or 'Other uncritical Software License', or rubbish like that. This is where I need help from the Packager, as I cannot guess why such an unspecific license was chosen in the first place. In the normal process I see nothing unfair, as we send back a fine submit request, that tells the packager what we'd like to change.
Or, if it's too much of a pain, post the problem packages here, and have others help you in fixing them. 170 packages could easily be divided up and fixed up in a day by a small handful of people.
Be aware, that this is not a one-off. This is ongoing review. The overall number of reviews done went through the roof since we started reviewing all factory-submits. The licensedigger bot handles ca 90% of that. The rest remains manual review. I've changed the bot to forward the few rejects (ca 0.5%) also to manual review, except the submit sinply fails for technical reasons. The aditional manual workload should be minimal. cheers, JW- -- o \ Juergen Weigert paint it green! __/ _=======.=======_ <V> | jw@suse.de back to ascii! __/ _---|____________\/ \ | 0911 74053-508 __/ (____/ /\ (/) | _____________________________/ _/ \_ vim:set sw=2 wm=8 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Jeff Hawn, J.Guild, F.Immendoerffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg), Maxfeldstrasse 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany SuSE. Supporting Linux since 1992. -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-factory+help@opensuse.org