On 03.07.2013 00:33, Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
El 02/07/13 18:22, Christian Boltz escribió:
In other words: the userland cache is worth *a lot* - my customer would for sure complain if I disable it ;-)
There seems to be a confusion in your interpretation about userland cache.. "userland cache" refers to functionality implemented by PHP extensions which allows the user to store arbitrary data in a shared memory backed cache. This is not the same thing as the opcode cache, which only stores the bytecode of PHP scripts.
Yes. php 5.5 comes with a bytecode cache extension (the opensourced version of Zend Optimizer+). APC had a similar bytecode cache (which applies to any php script automagically when loaded) and a userland cache (key/value store for user data; only for apps that are aware of APC and use special functions). A new extension APCu seems to provide userland cache and wraps the new bytecode cache into the old APC api. http://pecl.php.net/package-changelog.php?package=APCu&release=4.0.0 http://blog.famillecollet.com/post/2013/03/27/php-pecl-apcu-4.0.0-en http://blog.famillecollet.com/post/2013/03/25/PHP-opcode-and-user-data-cache There was a recent thread in may on php-internals: (clippings) "PHP 5.5 and APC user cache upgrade path". "> * Is APC basically dead and wont support PHP 5.5? From the lack of APC activity and from comments Rasmus has made in the bugs (e.g. [1]) this is a safe assumption." "By default, APCu builds in an APC-compatible manner, emulating the old functions for APC, no change should be required to run legacy code relying on APC. New features, if they are written, will not be included in the APCu codebase, instead, APCu exposes all of it's API to other extensions, which allows any future features to be written and maintained completely separately, which I think to be a better solution as APC is in such heavy use. Very few people are able to helpfully maintain an opcode cache, the idea of including opcache in the core, or one of the ideas/benefits, is that everyone able can concentrate on one solution, implicitly APC will fall by the wayside where opcode caching is concerned. However, it is possible to run APC and opcache side by side by fiddling with ini settings, I can't really say if this is advisable or not, a possibility all the same. " So I think, we need to ship php5-APCu when we upgrade php core to 5.5.0 in factory and DR php5-APC Somebody already stepped forward: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:munix9:php/php5-apcu -- Ralf Lang Linux Consultant / Developer Tel.: +49-170-6381563 Mail: lang@b1-systems.de B1 Systems GmbH Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg / http://www.b1-systems.de GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537