Hello, Am Samstag, 12. August 2006 16:17 schrieb Rajko M:
What I would like to see is something like what you applied in the mail list archives, overwriting of private mail addresses with xxxxxxxxxx, which is excellent. If that would be possible for mails that list server sends to subscribers, than is solved the second problem of protecting the subscribers.
Are you talking about replacing the From: header? Short answer: PLEASE do NOT do that! Sometimes there are good reasons to reply privatly, this would be impossible then. The long answer would be a large spam-protection vs. usability text, but currently I don't have the time to write this. Therefore I'll give you a short summary only: the best (and only) way not to receive spam is not to have a mail address *g* Gruß Christian Boltz PS: If you really think the opensuse lists cause too much spam for you (I doubt that's the case), use your "regular" mail address for receiving the list and a nomail subscription with a (short-living) freemail account you never read (or even a /dev/null address) for posting ;-) --
We are working on php4 updates but we are not able to release them before the second week of january since most developers and testers are not available. Ho-hum. It might have been wise to allow for vulnerabilities that get discovered during holidays. Worms don't usually keep track of people's vacations. [> Marcus Meissner and maarten in suse-security]