Andreas Jaeger schrieb:
We just released a new kernel package that contains the latest fixes via online update for 10.2.
Please install it on your systems and report if you have any new problems.
The major changes since the RC1 kernel are: * a couple of fixes in the SATA area * Disabling of the "This module is unsupported by Novell" warnings * Support for Intel 965 DRM * Add acpi_user_timer_override for Asus boards * Fixes for Xen
Installation went smoothly, even the sources. Only side problem: zen-updater neither showed nor did some component from zmd find the update. YaST2 online_update did it. After almost a year of testing, using and switching to other linuxes I am really beginning to wonder, which client company will make more profit through this zmd stuff or which private openSUSE user will have a happier life and family through this monster. Amongst my global company customers I did not find a single one who would decide in favour of Linux (not even talking of Novell Linux) because zmd is there. This stuff is not just imposed onto the community, it's imposed onto companies as well. It has created the hugest bloat of an operation system since MVS/VM times. It's by far the least stable component of openSUSE and guzzles CPU cycles and time off the users and the companies. Might sound far fetched, but the zmd adventure - being clearly of much less tragic nature than some civilization exercises in the Middle East - would also benefit from rethink what we are all doing when wasting time and resources dealing with one of the most bitter jokes in software architecture. Get rid of it and stop throwing good money after bad money. The world will NOT be a better place thanks to zenworks & Co. FMF --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: