Please note that this mail was generated by a script. The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD. The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here. Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview?distri=opensuse&groupid=1&version... Packages changed: akonadi-calendar (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) akonadi-search (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) akonadi-server (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ark (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) baloo5-widgets (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) cpupower digikam dolphin (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) dragonplayer (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) evolution (3.18.4 -> evolution-data-server (3.18.4 -> 3.18.5) evolution-ews (3.18.4 -> 3.18.5) file geany (1.24.1 -> 1.26) geany-plugins (1.24 -> 1.26) glibc glibc gnome-shell gpgmepp5 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) gwenview5 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kaccounts-integration (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kalarmcal (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kamera (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kate (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kcalc (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kcalcore (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kcalutils (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kcharselect (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kcolorchooser (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kcontacts (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kdebase4 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kdebase4-runtime (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kdelibs4 (4.14.16 -> 4.14.17) kdenetwork4-filesharing (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kdepim (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kdepim-runtime (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kdepimlibs (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kdnssd (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kget (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kgpg (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kholidays (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kidentitymanagement (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kimap (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kio-extras5 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kio_audiocd (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kiwi-config-openSUSE kldap (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kmag (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kmailtransport (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kmbox (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kmime (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kmousetool (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kompare (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) konsole (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kontactinterface (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kopete (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kpimtextedit (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kqtquickcharts (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) krdc (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) krfb (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kruler (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktnef (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-accounts-kcm (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-approver (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-auth-handler (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-common-internals (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-contact-list (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-contact-runner (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-desktop-applets (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-filetransfer-handler (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-kded-module (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-send-file (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) ktp-text-ui (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) kwalletmanager5 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) laptop-mode-tools (1.67 -> 1.68.1) libdrm (2.4.66 -> 2.4.67) libkcddb4 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libkcompactdisc4 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libkdcraw (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libkexiv2 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libkface (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libkgeomap (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libkipi (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libkomparediff2 (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libksane (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) libqmi (1.12.6 -> 1.12.8) libsolv (0.6.18 -> 0.6.19) marble (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) mobipocket (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) mpfr notification-daemon (3.18.1 -> 3.18.2) okular (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) plasma5-pk-updates python3-simplejson (3.8.1 -> 3.8.2) signon signon-kwallet-extension (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) spectacle (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) sweeper (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) syndication (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) tomcat (8.0.28 -> 8.0.32) valgrind (3.10.1 -> 3.11.0) xf86-input-wacom (0.31.0 -> 0.32.0) xf86-video-intel xz === Details === ==== akonadi-calendar ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== akonadi-search ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== akonadi-server ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ark ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libkerfuffle15 - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== baloo5-widgets ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== cpupower ==== Subpackages: libcpupower0 - Move from kernel version to turbostat internal version for turbostat - Add latest turbostat sources (latest git commit: 30f05309bde492) - Adds Skylake, Broadwell and Knights Landing support for turbostat (fate#319798, fate#319183, fate#319516) ==== digikam ==== Subpackages: digikam-lang digikam-libs digikam-plugin-color digikam-plugin-decorate digikam-plugin-enhance digikam-plugin-fxfilters digikam-plugin-transform kipi-plugins kipi-plugins-acquireimage kipi-plugins-geolocation kipi-plugins-lang - Remove the kipi-plugin icons to enable co-installability with the kipi-plugins5 package. The required icons are now shipped in a seperate package kipi-plugin-icons, which is provided by the kipi-plugins5 package (boo#966939) - Drop the requires on digikam from the digikam-libs package. This would allow digikam-libs to replace the existing libkipi, libkexiv2, etc without pulling in digikam/kipi-plugins (boo#965865) - Drop the BuildRequire on kdepimlibs4 for Factory - Make the dependency on marble-data from digikam-libs a recommends to allow more flexibility for users - Provide/Obsolete libkexiv2-11 instead of libkexiv2, that's the actual name of the package - Provide/Obsolete libkdcraw23 as well to prevent update problems ==== dolphin ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: dolphin-part libdolphinvcs5 - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 - Drop upstreamed patches: * fix-check-for-session-close.patch * Do-not-delete-sub-menus-of-the-control-menu-explicitly.patch - Added fix-check-for-session-close.patch: don't ask for confirmation on logout when storing the session (boo#953014, kde#353548) ==== dragonplayer ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== evolution ==== Version update (3.18.4 -> Subpackages: evolution-plugin-bogofilter evolution-plugin-spamassassin - Update to version + Bug Fixes: Correct typo in the fix for bgo#761883. - Update to version 3.18.5: + Do not let itip-formatter plugin disable. + Use icaltzutil_set_exact_vtimezones_support(), if available. + Show composer when processing mailto: only after From account is set. + [EMinicard]: Release grab when started drag of the contact. + EHTMLEditorUtils: prev_parent variable can be used uninitialized. + EHTMLEditorView: - It's not possible to change formatting from Blockquote to list. - Some of the Evolution's composer attributes are sent in HTML messages. - Avoid possible critical warnings when sending HTML messages. - Avoid critical warnings when deleting a text smiley. - Fragment can be used uninitialized when saving history while deleting. - Undoing the citation split does not re-wrap and re-quote the block. - Pressing the Return key in the beginning of list item will delete the item. - Don't send the empty signature placeholder in the HTML messages. + Bugs fixed: bgo#758977, bgo#760971, bgo#761166, bgo#759201, bgo#760638, bgo#759873, bgo#761394, bgo#761496, bgo#761883. + Updated translations. ==== evolution-data-server ==== Version update (3.18.4 -> 3.18.5) Subpackages: evolution-data-server-devel libcamel-1_2-54 libebackend-1_2-10 libebook-1_2-16 libebook-contacts-1_2-2 libecal-1_2-19 libedata-book-1_2-25 libedata-cal-1_2-28 libedataserver-1_2-21 libedataserverui-1_2-1 typelib-1_0-EBook-1_2 typelib-1_0-EBookContacts-1_2 typelib-1_0-EDataServer-1_2 - Update to version 3.18.5: + Use icaltzutil_set_exact_vtimezones_support(), if available. + [IMAPx]: - Connection could be used multiple times at once in certain cases. - Stop IDLE gracefully. - Change how IDLE is handled. - Remove runtime check from imapx_conn_manager_dec_mailbox_hash(). - Crash in imapx_free_capability(). - Prefer graceful IDLE stop than forced reconnect. + Bugs fixed: bgo#748996, bgo#759153, bgo#761527, bgo#760951. ==== evolution-ews ==== Version update (3.18.4 -> 3.18.5) Subpackages: evolution-ews-lang libeews-1_2-0 libewsutils0 - Update to version 3.18.5: + Miscellaneous: Contact photos from offline GAL not shown. ==== file ==== Subpackages: file-devel file-magic libmagic1 libmagic1-32bit - Make the python command a macro. ==== geany ==== Version update (1.24.1 -> 1.26) Subpackages: geany-lang - Build with gtk3 (change %prefer_gtk2 to 0). - Suppress rpmlint devel-file-in-non-devel-package warnings for files in /usr/share/geany/templates/ by adding them to the rpmlintrc; these files are meant as templates for the use to copy and use and are not really devel files. - Update to version 1.26: + General: - New plugin API (PR#469). - Add support for "proxy" plugins (PR#629). + Bug fixes: - Fix "Open in New Window" command (Issue#590). - Fix spurious "source file has been modified" (Issue#605, PR#621). - Don't open more than one document for non-existing paths from the CLI (https://bugs.launchpad.net/linuxmint/+bug/1482558, PR#646). - Fix configuration directory encoding on non-UTF-8 non-Windows systems (PR#658). + Interface: - Use monospace font for the message window by default (Issue#435, PR#580). - Fix mnemonic conflict in "Use multi-line matching" (Issue#589, PR#647). + Editor: - Update Scintilla to version 3.6.1. - Fix completion popup height when view is zoomed (Issue#702). - Fix Go To End Of Display Line when wrapping is on and EOL are visible (Issue#712). - Keeping undo history when reloading files is now enabled by default (Issue#562, PR#672). - "Strip trailing spaces", "Replace tabs" and "Replace spaces" now follow the current selection (PR#394). - Respect Smart Home Key setting in Go To Start of Display Line. - Check whether the document is newer on disk when the window gets focused (PR#533). + Filetypes: - Add Cargo build commands for Rust (PR#557). - Add recent Perl keywords (PR#599). - Add missing Python 3 keywords and builtins (PR#755). - Improvements to the Rust filetype (PR#613). - Add multiline comment to Haskell (PR#638). - Recognize `.adoc` is as Asciidoc (PR#708, PR#711). - Recognize `.mml` and `.mathml` as XML (PR#731). + API updates: - New plugin API, `geany_load_module()`, `geany_plugin_register()`, `GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER()`, `geany_plugin_register_full()`, `GEANY_PLUGIN_REGISTER_FULL()` (PR#469). - Add support for "proxy" plugins, `geany_plugin_register_proxy()` (PR#629). - Allow `user_data` parameter and `destroy_notify` callback to keybindings with new `keybindings_set_item_full()` and `plugin_set_key_group_full()` (PR#376). + Updated translations. - Update to version 1.25 + General: - GTK3 support, while not enabled by default, is now considered stable. - Improve MacOS X support. - Improve subprocess spawning (especially on Windows). - Huge tag management performance improvement (auto-completion, calltips, etc.). - Remove broken "Show macro list" keybinding and feature. - Add %l substitution to build commands. - Depend on GTK 2.24 and GLib 2.28. - Add per-project line wrapping, line breaking and comment continuation settings. - The plugin API is now split out of the main executable into libgeany, a shared library plugins have to link against. + Bug fixes: - Fix applying filetype-specific indentation settings for newly opened files. - Fix relative project base path when creating a new project. - Fix next/previous keybindings when no files are open. - Fix markup injection in some tooltips. - Use absolute project path for projects opened from the command line. - Fix goto tag in some cases when the same symbol name appears in different languages. - Fix UI updating after loading a project. - Fix the currently selected document after Save All. - Fix leftovers in the Project dialog in some cases. - Fix function return type in symbol list tooltips in some cases. - Fix VTE path following on startup. + Interface: - Show document-related dialogs embedded in the main window ("info bars"). - Plugin manager dialog cleanup and overhaul. - Filetypes can now define the MIME type used to select their icon. - Close documents in the sidebar with middle mouse button. - Ask whether to replace project files when creating a project. - Ask whether to adopt the open documents when creating a new project. - Allow to disable the list of recent files. - Fix many shadow inconsistencies. - Add virtual column and selected chars to the statusbar. - Add "dirty" terminal indication. - Allow to select the None filetype in the Open File dialog. - Add configuration menu entries for all filetypes. + Editor: - Update Scintilla to version 3.5.6. - Do not comment out blank lines when toggling comments. - Improve handling of Verilog strings and comments. - Support for keeping undo history when reloading files. This is not enabled by default in this release. - Respect filetype.common's wordchars if a filetype doesn't have its own. + Search: - Add support for single-line regular expressions. - Default action is now "Replace & Find" in the replace dialog but can be configured. - Activate default action from all fields in the Find in Files dialog. + Filetypes: - Add JSON filetype. - Add Zephir filetype. - Add CoffeScript filetype. - Add Go tags parser. - Add Erlang tags parser. - Add PowerShell tags parser. - Many JavaScript parsing fixes and improvements. - Many CSS parser fixes and improvements. - Many Txt2tags parsing fixes and improvements. - Make parser fixes and improvements. - Parse D enum base type. - Various small Rust fixes. - Highlight C types in C++. - Add some missing C11 keywords. - Add some missing SQL keywords. - Fix and add some CSS keywords. - Fix some FreeBasic keywords. - Add some missing D keywords. - Fix R keywords and wordchars. - Fix styling of some CSS elements. - Fix styling of Lua preprocessor. - Fix style of PHP variables interpolation. - Recognize `.vbs` files as FreeBasic. - Recognize `.tpl` files as HTML. - Recognize `.xtpl` files as XML. - Recognize `.xpm` files as C. - Recognize more Bash files. - Update templates for Python and Vala. - Add template for HTML5. - Fix parsing of some Python triple-quoted strings. - Add some linting tools to some filetype's default Build menu. - Fix scope of some Python symbols. - Fix support of trigraphs in C-like languages. - Add support of digraphs in C-like languages. - Add support of `final`, `override` and `noexcept` C++11 keywords. + Plugins: - File Browser: . Use "explorer" as the default open command on Windows. . Use icons based on the detected file's MIME type. - Save Actions: use mode 0600 for backup copies. - Split Window: Fix a few keybindings (cut, copy, paste, delete, select all). + API: - Hide private API. - Cleaner and safer TagManager API. - Entry point prototypes are now checked by the compiler. - Add pseudo-unique document IDs through GeanyDocument::id and document_find_by_id(). This is a safer API for keeping a reference to a document for a long time (PR#256). - Add convenient and portable spawning API: spawn_sync(), spawn_async(), spawn_with_callbacks(), spawn_kill_process(), spawn_check_command(), spawn_write_data(). - plugin_signal_connect() is now safe to use also with objects destroyed before unloading the plugin. - Add document_reload_force() to replace document_reload_file(). - Add project_write_config(). - Add keybindings_get_modifiers() and GEANY_PRIMARY_MOD_MASK. - Fix emission of the 'document-activate' signal in some cases. - Add ui_tree_view_set_tooltip_text_column(). - Add scintilla_get_type(). + Updated translations. - Split out docs in new -doc subpackage. - Add New libgeany0 subpackage for Geany's core library, and add post/postun handling of it. - Add docutils and doxygen BuildRequires: Now that we have a doc sub-package, build API and HTML documentation. ==== geany-plugins ==== Version update (1.24 -> 1.26) Subpackages: geany-plugins-lang - Disable pkgconfig(webkit-1.0), as we do not want to use this as it is unsupported by upstream. - Geany was switched to build against gtk3, so also switch this -plugins package to gtk3 too: + Disable the following plugins because they do not build against gtk3: Debugger, DevHelp, GeanyDoc, GeanyGenDoc, GeanyLaTeX, GeanyMacro, GeanyNumberedBookmarks, GeanyPrj, Geanypy, Markdown, MultiTerm, Scope, WebHelper. + Update BuildRequires: - Update geany version to 1.26. - Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) by pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0). - Replace pkgconfig(gtkspell-2.0) by pkgconfig(gtkspell3-3.0). - Remove gconf2-devel, no longer required after the switch to gtk3. - Update to version 1.26: + General: Add a note about deprecating Waf build system -- will be removed with 1.27. + Addons: - Add new feature to copy path of current file into clipboard (#291). - Update bookmark list also on any line changes in the document (SF#129, SF#39, #284). - Add GTK3 support (#271). + GeanyPy: Fix Python library loading on Debian based systems. + GeanyVC: - Add GTK3 support (#300). - Little improvements on commit dialog (#300). + GitChangeBar: Add support for libgit2 0.23 (#283). + Multiterm: Make a lot of strings translatable (#254). + Pohelper: Fix untranslated and fuzzy count in the stats dialog (#292). + ProjectOrganizer: Fix some features when the sidebar was never visible. + Scope: Use Geany spawn: maximum GDB line length fixed to 1MB, no CPU time wasted when IDLE under Windows, 3 preferences deleted. + Spellcheck: Add an option to show spelling suggestion on top of the context menu instead of in a submenu (still default) (#287, #290). + Updated translations. - Update requied libgeany version in BuildRequires. - Remove conditional from pkgconfig(libgit2) BuildRequires: Now builds with the version in factory. - Update to version 1.25: + removed geany-plugins-GCond-usage.patch, fixed upstream + removed geany-plugins-gdb-7_7.patch, fixed upstream + disabled geany-plugins-lua-5_2.patch: it breaks GeanyLua build + General: - GProject is renamed to ProjectOrganizer - New plugin Automark - New plugin GeanyCtags - New plugin GitChangeBar - New plugin Overview + Addons: - Improve URI selection + Autoclose: - Add Whitesmith style bracket formatting support + CodeNav: - Implement Go to File feature + Commander: - Improve sorting algorithm + Debugger: - Fix crash with GDB 7.7 + GeanyLaTeX: - Fix automatic capitalization of multi-byte characters + GeanyVC: - Add support for WinMerge external diff viewer + ProjectOrganizer: - Add an "external directory" feature - Add find tag by name - Add ignored file patterns - Performance improvements in tag generation using updated Geany API + MultiTerm: - Fix build with recent Vala versions + PairTagHighlighter: - Fix clearing previous indicators (PR #200) + PoHelper: - Add a statistics dialog - Fix handling of plural forms + Scope: - Fix building on GNU/Hurd (PR #146) + Spellcheck: - Don't check code of scripting languages embedded in HTML - Add option to perform a spell check on document open (closes SF #137) + Tableconvert: - Improve handling of non-LF line ends - Add support for DokuWiki syntax + WebHelper: - Add support for basic bookmarks + Internationalization: - Update translations: de, fr, pt, ru ==== glibc ==== Subpackages: glibc-32bit glibc-locale-32bit - isinf-cxx11-conflict.patch: Fix isinf/isnan declaration conflict with C++11 (bsc#963700, BZ #19439) - tls-dtor-list-mangling.patch: Harden tls_dtor_list with pointer mangling (BZ #19018) - prelink-elf-rtype-class.patch: Keep only ELF_RTYPE_CLASS_{PLT|COPY} bits for prelink (BZ #19178) - vector-finite-math-aliases.patch: Better workaround for aliases of * _finite symbols in vector math library (BZ# 19058) - powerpc-elision-adapt-param.patch: powerpc: Fix usage of elision transient failure adapt param (BZ #19174) - catopen-unbound-alloca.patch: Fix unbound alloca in catopen (CVE-2015-8779, bsc#962739, BZ #17905) - strftime-range-check.patch: Add range check on time fields (CVE-2015-8776, bsc#962736, BZ #18985) - hcreate-overflow-check.patch: Handle overflow in hcreate (CVE-2015-8778, bsc#962737, BZ #18240) - errorcheck-mutex-no-elision.patch: Don't do lock elision on an error checking mutex (bsc#956716, BZ #17514) - refactor-nan-parsing.patch: Refactor strtod parsing of NaN payloads (CVE-2014-9761, bsc#962738, BZ #16962) - send-dg-buffer-overflow.patch: Fix getaddrinfo stack-based buffer overflow (CVE-2015-7547, bsc#961721, BZ #18665) - powerpc-lock-elision-race.patch: renamed from 0001-powerpc-Fix-a-race-condition-when-eliding-a-lock-20150730.patch - Add audit-devel and libcap-devel to BuildRequires, for use by nscd ==== glibc ==== Subpackages: glibc-devel glibc-extra glibc-info glibc-locale nscd - isinf-cxx11-conflict.patch: Fix isinf/isnan declaration conflict with C++11 (bsc#963700, BZ #19439) - tls-dtor-list-mangling.patch: Harden tls_dtor_list with pointer mangling (BZ #19018) - prelink-elf-rtype-class.patch: Keep only ELF_RTYPE_CLASS_{PLT|COPY} bits for prelink (BZ #19178) - vector-finite-math-aliases.patch: Better workaround for aliases of * _finite symbols in vector math library (BZ# 19058) - powerpc-elision-adapt-param.patch: powerpc: Fix usage of elision transient failure adapt param (BZ #19174) - catopen-unbound-alloca.patch: Fix unbound alloca in catopen (CVE-2015-8779, bsc#962739, BZ #17905) - strftime-range-check.patch: Add range check on time fields (CVE-2015-8776, bsc#962736, BZ #18985) - hcreate-overflow-check.patch: Handle overflow in hcreate (CVE-2015-8778, bsc#962737, BZ #18240) - errorcheck-mutex-no-elision.patch: Don't do lock elision on an error checking mutex (bsc#956716, BZ #17514) - refactor-nan-parsing.patch: Refactor strtod parsing of NaN payloads (CVE-2014-9761, bsc#962738, BZ #16962) - send-dg-buffer-overflow.patch: Fix getaddrinfo stack-based buffer overflow (CVE-2015-7547, bsc#961721, BZ #18665) - powerpc-lock-elision-race.patch: renamed from 0001-powerpc-Fix-a-race-condition-when-eliding-a-lock-20150730.patch - Add audit-devel and libcap-devel to BuildRequires, for use by nscd ==== gnome-shell ==== Subpackages: gnome-shell-browser-plugin gnome-shell-calendar gnome-shell-wayland - Add gnome-shell-Fix-double-unref.patch: NetworkAgent: Fix double-unref in get_secrets_keyring_cb() (bgo#759708). - Add gnome-shell-correctly-ident-VPN-secret-req.patch: NetworkAgent: correctly identify the VPN secret requests. (bgo#760999). - Add gnome-shell-authprompt-bypass-disabled.patch: Do not allow bypassing disabled Sign In button (bgo#746180). ==== gpgmepp5 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5QGpgme5 - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== gwenview5 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kaccounts-integration ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kalarmcal ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kamera ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kate ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: kate-plugins kwrite - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kcalc ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kcalcore ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kcalutils ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5CalendarUtils5 - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kcharselect ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kcolorchooser ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kcontacts ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kdebase4 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: kdebase4-libkonq kdebase4-nsplugin kdepasswd kdialog keditbookmarks konqueror konqueror-plugins libkonq-devel libkonq5 - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 - Drop the plasmoid-folderview package. This is still KDE4 based and will not work on a Plasma5 desktop. For Plasma5 we have a new one as part of plasma5-desktop * Drop patch folderview_align_to_grid_true.diff as this one is no longer needed/required. ==== kdebase4-runtime ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kdelibs4 ==== Version update (4.14.16 -> 4.14.17) Subpackages: kdelibs4-core kdelibs4-doc libkde4 libkde4-devel libkdecore4 libkdecore4-devel libksuseinstall1 - Update to KDE Applications 4.14.17 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 - Add patch omit-strigi.patch to make strigi optional. For the Plasma5 desktop this is no longer needed/used and it would make it possible to drop the strigi package ==== kdenetwork4-filesharing ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kdepim ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi_resources akregator5 kaddressbook5 kalarm5 kleopatra5 kmail5 knotes5 kontact5 korganizer5 libkdepim - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 - Make sure that akonadi-search gets installed as that it contains the search agents - Kjots is now offered as a separate package based on Frameworks. No longer obsolete or conflict it. ==== kdepim-runtime ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kdepimlibs ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: akonadi-contact akonadi5 kio-pimlibs libKF5AkonadiContact5 libKF5AkonadiMime5 libKF5AkonadiNotes5 - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kdnssd ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kget ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kgpg ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kholidays ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kidentitymanagement ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kimap ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kio-extras5 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kio_audiocd ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kiwi-config-openSUSE ==== - Use ext4 for hybridpersistent_filesystem, boo #950999 - disable journaling in live mode, fixes boo #950999 ==== kldap ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kmag ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kmailtransport ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kmbox ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kmime ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kmousetool ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kompare ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== konsole ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: konsole-part - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 - Drop upstreamed patches: * allow-certain-variable-width-fonts.patch * fix-profile-terminal-size.patch ==== kontactinterface ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kopete ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kpimtextedit ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kqtquickcharts ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== krdc ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== krfb ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kruler ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktnef ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-accounts-kcm ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libktpaccountskcminternal9 - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-approver ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-auth-handler ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-common-internals ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: ktp-icons - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-contact-list ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-contact-runner ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-desktop-applets ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-filetransfer-handler ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-kded-module ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-send-file ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== ktp-text-ui ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== kwalletmanager5 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Remove conflict with the KDE4 kwalletmanager on Leap and Tumbleweed, the conflicting files have been removed there (boo#954371) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== laptop-mode-tools ==== Version update (1.67 -> 1.68.1) - Add laptop-mode.timer and lmt-poll.service to spec file - Fix spec file when checking suse_version macro - Update to version 1.68.1: + Update details about runtime-pm in manpage + Revert "Drop out reload" + Log error more descriptively + Write to common stderr. Do not hardcode a specific one + Call lmt-udev in lmt-poll. Don't call the laptop_mode binary directly. + Helps in a lot of housekeeping + Direct stderr/stdout to journal + Fix stdout descriptor + Install the new .timer and poll service + Use _sbindir for RPM - Changes from version 1.68: + Fix all instances for BATTERY_LEVEL_POLLING + Group kill the polling daemon so that its child process get the same signal + Release the descriptor explicitly + Add identifier about who's our parent + Narrow down our power_supply subsystem event check condition + Fine tune the .service file + On my ultrabook, AC as reported as ACAD + Enhance lmt-udev to better work with systemd + Add a timer based polling for LMT. It is the equivalent of battery-polling-daemon, using systemd + Disable battery level polling by default, because most systems will have systemd running + Add documentation reference in systemd files + Update release-checklist - Rebase laptop-mode-1.53-fix-pm-utils-sleep-script.diff ==== libdrm ==== Version update (2.4.66 -> 2.4.67) Subpackages: libdrm-devel libdrm2 libdrm2-32bit libdrm_amdgpu1 libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit libdrm_intel1 libdrm_intel1-32bit libdrm_nouveau2 libdrm_nouveau2-32bit libdrm_radeon1 libdrm_radeon1-32bit libkms1 - update to 2.4.67 * fixes for amdgpu * adds KabyLake PCIids * Fix memory leak with drmModeGetConnectorCurrent() ==== libkcddb4 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libkcddb4-devel - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libkcompactdisc4 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libkcompactdisc4-devel - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libkdcraw ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5KDcraw5 libkdcraw-devel - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libkexiv2 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5KExiv2-15_0_0 libkexiv2-devel - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libkface ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5KFace10_0_0 libkface-devel - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libkgeomap ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5KGeoMap10_0_0 libkgeomap-devel - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libkipi ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Kipi30_0_0 libkipi-devel - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libkomparediff2 ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libksane ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libKF5Sane5 libksane-devel - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== libqmi ==== Version update (1.12.6 -> 1.12.8) Subpackages: libqmi-glib1 libqmi-tools - Update to version 1.12.8: + codegen: fix bug which was limiting the transaction ID of request messages generated to just 8bits. + device: try to debug-print raw invalid QMI messages too. + Additional bugfixes: - build: avoid C++ reserved keywords. - nas: correct ID for Get RF Band Information result TLV. - qmicli: fix PLMN printing. ==== libsolv ==== Version update (0.6.18 -> 0.6.19) Subpackages: libsolv-devel libsolv-tools perl-solv python-solv - parse media number from baseurl - support susedata.<lang>.xml language files - bump version to 0.6.19 ==== marble ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) Subpackages: libastro-qt5-1 libmarblewidget-qt5-23 marble-data marble-devel marble-doc marble-kde - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== mobipocket ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== mpfr ==== Subpackages: libmpfr4 mpfr-devel - Add cummulative patch mpfr-3.1.3-patch1to12.patch * Bug fixes (see <http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.3/#fixed> ==== notification-daemon ==== Version update (3.18.1 -> 3.18.2) - Update to version 3.18.2: + Updated translations. ==== okular ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== plasma5-pk-updates ==== - Add use-native-plasma-components.patch: fixes problems with dark Plasma themes (boo#953669, kde#359308) - Add translations (plasma-pk-updates-lang.tar.xz) - Add patch change-refresh-logic.patch. This prevents the plasmoid from starting the PackageKit Daemon on a hourly basis. This also prevents unnecessary notifications. (boo#955352) ==== python3-simplejson ==== Version update (3.8.1 -> 3.8.2) - specfile: * update copyright year - update to version 3.8.2: * Fix implicit cast compiler warning in _speedups.c * simplejson is now available as wheels for OS X and Windows thanks to Travis-CI and AppVeyor respectively! Many thanks to @aebrahim for getting this party started. ==== signon ==== Subpackages: libsignon-qt5-1 signon-plugins signond signond-libs - Add baselibs.conf to generate the -32bit packages ==== signon-kwallet-extension ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== spectacle ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== sweeper ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== syndication ==== Version update (15.12.1 -> 15.12.2) - Update to KDE Applications 15.12.2 * KDE Applications 15.12.2 * https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.12.2.php * boo#966605 ==== tomcat ==== Version update (8.0.28 -> 8.0.32) Subpackages: tomcat-admin-webapps tomcat-el-3_0-api tomcat-jsp-2_3-api tomcat-lib tomcat-servlet-3_1-api tomcat-webapps - Version update to 8.0.32: * Another bugfix release for 8.0 series, full details: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/changelog.html#Tomcat_8.0.32_(markt) - Rebase patch: * tomcat-8.0.9-property-build.windows.patch ==== valgrind ==== Version update (3.10.1 -> 3.11.0) - update to 3.11.0: * 3.11.0 is a feature release with many improvements and the usual collection of bug fixes. - replace gcc-version.patch with gcc5.patch: This is the upstream version - drop valgrind-linux-4.0.patch: merged upstream - add svn-r15766.patch: Fix valgrind with recent kernels - jit-register-unregister.diff commented out, needs porting ==== xf86-input-wacom ==== Version update (0.31.0 -> 0.32.0) - Update to version 0.32.0: * Update release.sh script from Xorg. * Don't rely on IsPad() when trying to undo kernel event filtering. * Streamline Sourceforge login for release.sh. ==== xf86-video-intel ==== - U_gen8-Fix-the-YUV-RGB-shader.patch Fix video playback using XV (boo#950666). ==== xz ==== Subpackages: liblzma5 liblzma5-32bit xz-devel - Do not split out lang_package conditional, used in sle10 out of support -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-factory+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-factory+owner@opensuse.org