Am Dienstag, 12. Januar 2021, 00:10:15 CET schrieb Jason Craig:
On 1/11/2021 11:01, AW wrote:
I installed the latest snapshot 20210108 and after reboot akonadi run amok.
What exactly do you mean by "amok"? Everything seems fine here but is there something specific I should look for?
-- Jason Craig
Hi! From memory: akonadi couldn't open the database and gave error messages, like deprecated signals, database crashed unexpectedly... Restarting akonadi (akonadictl restart) triggered hundreds of warnings, kmail crashing and unable to display the content of emails. Doing that for more than 15 minutes and eating all the CPU. I just had a look into the backup: ./local/akonadi had a size over 32 GB. According to the suggestion of Axel Braun I switched to PostgreSQL. Right now the database has a weight of ca. 5 GB, but I doubt that it has digested the archive of the last two decades already. We'll see... It was a very fortunate decision by the akonadi people to have database and mails stored on different locations. Nothing got lost. I installed the newest TW snapshots and all is well again. As long as you don't read the news. -- Alexander