CJK fonts used for screen display do contain TrueType hints, at least for common used ones (both proprietary and open source). So their sizes are...nearly 20 MB for a single font.
I really doubt that. The files are so large because they contain so much glyphs.
eg: Microsoft YaHei/JhengHei, Apple Hiragino sans GB, STheiti and open source wqy-micro-hei and wqy-zen-hei.
At least for wqy-microhei you are wrong: This font doesn't contain any hints for CJK characters.
Old and bitmap fonts are nearly not usable for CJK fonts.
??? Many professional TT fonts contain bitmaps for small sizes. For example, Hiragino Mincho Pro W3 contains 5 bitmap strokes for 9-13ppem.
Can you imagine the looking a character like 斡 displayed in 10px.......
Yes, I can; see the attached image how it is represented in the abovementioned Hiragino font. For such small sizes you *must* use bitmap representations to stay readable.
some strokes will even disappear...so a tiny adjustment is a must (hinting) and the hinting algorithms are important too (at least freetype's current one can't fulfill the needs), or it'll be even worse than without hinting.
You are completely wrong, sorry. I'm not aware of a *single* CJK font which contains hints for that small sizes.
Anyway we discussed tech details of Freetype and Infinality in this thread because we want to know if infinality is acceptable for OBS.
So can you please answer this question?
I can't, sorry. I'm neither enough acquainted with the ClearType filter patent, nor with the current developments of the X server. Werner