Reply on 23-10-2006 9:23:48 <<<> The media proposal by AJ looks very good to me.
I think 5CDs are supportable. But for a future release it would be very nice if the distribution of the packages could be optimized in a way that not so many CDs would be needed for a Standard installation (standard installation shall mean what get's installed if I just click NEXT all the times, as most users anyhow do). I think at least shrinking this to TWO CDs (better would be ONE) should be possible.
Oh please. If you want a castrated distribution on 1 CD, use Ubuntu. If you want a real distribution, flip 3 CDs. If you're too lazy for
please stop whinging and use the DVD. DVDROM drives cost next to nothing these days.
I am thankful to SUSE for offering a DVD at all. Most others waste my time by flicking CDs or waste my bandwidth (and time) with a 'net install for each box.
Volker, I think you didn't get my point and thus at least should try to reply in 'friendly' mode. Your subtone in the writing is more than... how to say... unfriendly! I did not whine about the CDs at all. I for myself use DVDs and I'll probably always stick on this. And I don't complain that openSUSE has 5 or 7 CDs (as in the current state) BUT, (and that's something Novell is also working on!) that the default installation is using the least of these CDs possible. I think there's nothing more annoying that you have to put a CD just for 3 - 5 packages (which I remember was once back a while) and then the next CD has to be inserted. So by arranging the packages on the CDs, this can be resolved and gives a much better user experiance. So please: if you don't understand what somebody is talking about, then ASK! And ASK friendly and don't just flame around like you did! best regards, Dominique