Ulrich Windl wrote:
On 30 Mar 2006 at 10:20, Pascal Bleser wrote:
Ulrich Windl wrote: ...
YaST -> System Update Actually, I never found out what that is supposed to do. It seems you cannot upgrade (e.g. 9.2 -> 9.3) using that. So should it be a kind of YOU using the Sure you can. But you have to remove the 9.2 installation source first, then add the 9.3 installation source, then do system upgrade.
Should be copied to the help text Yast is displaying ;-)
AFAIK system _upgrade_ cannot be done like this, needs a kernel change, so must be done with the install/update procedure always the update/upgrade confusion? jdd -- http://www.dodin.net http://dodin.org/galerie_photo_web/expo/index.html http://lucien.dodin.net http://fr.susewiki.org/index.php?title=Gérer_ses_photos