Thanks for the pointer. I'm using i3 and some Googling mention this is needed for DBUS: dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS DISPLAY XAUTHORITY However, the script that start my i3 session already has this command, and manually running it in a shell does not fix the problem either. It is really weird as my setup worked properly for years, and this happens out of the blue. On 8/25/23 11:35, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
On Friday 2023-08-25 11:21, Michael Pujos wrote:
Since I upgraded to snapshot 20230823, on my system, if I try to start any program that uses GTK (Firefox, deadbeef, gedit, ...), program is stuck early on startup (way before any UI is displayed) timeouting on a poll() call that as a 25s timeout. 25 is a magic number pointing to dbus as the culprit. (The internet is full of those reports.)