Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
Alexey Eremenko escribió:
Yes, "Universe" and "Multiverse" are great concept.
Not really.
Actually openSUSE does not need multiverse because the already distribute non-Free software, and the "encumbered" package (ie patent liabilities) can't be.
But online search is not enough, because I need to access those repositories offline, they must be downloadble.
Hello ? welcome to the 21 century.
I have to disagree on this statement. In the 21st century there are still countries where private monopolies still don't deploy the needed infrastructure. For example, here, in Canada, less then 30 km away from the National Capital, there are areas where broadband internet access does not exist and where dial-up access isn't very speedy either. Yes, being off-line still occur in the 21st century, and denying this fact is not helpful. Hub --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: