On Tuesday, 25 May 2021 12:43:44 AM ACST Rodney Baker wrote:
On Monday, 24 May 2021 5:03:50 AM ACST Scott Bradnick wrote:
I was hoping a 'dracut --force --kver [TAB for kernel]' would allow me to have CURRENT and PREVIOUS both using Nvidia drivers, but I've come to the determination that I'll just have 1 that works - I can choose which one, but NO OTHER KERNEL will have working Nvidia drivers other than the one I've chosen. Basically, I was able to get 5.12.4 (with 465.31) to work ; I was able to get 5.11.16 (with 465.31/460.80) to work ; it was impossible to get 5.12.4 AND 5.11.16 to both work even when specifying one of them specifically via dracut (vs "mkinitrd" for everything). I'm sure it has something to do w/ the NVIDIA-*.run file basically wiping anything that's not the current one you're building against - I'm sure that's what the initial disclaimer is hinting at.
I've had this working since at least version oS 13.0 (or earler) using dkms to build and install the modules for alternative kernels. It can either be triggered by the cli or happen automatically at boot (but you have to install and enable dkms first).
Unfortunately this has broken with 5.12.4 - I cannot get either 460.80 or 465.31 to build successfully against 5.12.4 with the latest (as of yesterday) TW snapshot - it appears that something has changed with gcc config and the build now fails with compile errors against multiple source files (at least on my system, anyway).
I did get 465.31 to build OK against 5.11.15-1-default, so I'm back on that one until the issue with 512.4 is resolved. I don't know if there's an open bug report with Nvidia on that - there wasn't when I checked on the weekend.
Oh, yes, with the gcc version update, it also failed the compiler version check. To get it to build on 5.11.15-1-default I had to run the installer with the --no-cc-version-check option - then it built successfully. If one of your kernels has been built with a different version of gcc to what's installed on your system, that may be part of the issue (don't know - just a suggestion). -- ================================================================================================================== Rodney Baker rodney.baker@iinet.net.au ==================================================================================================================