Il 01/11/2017 11:05, Marco Calistri ha scritto:
Il 01/11/2017 10:17, Carlos E. R. ha scritto:
Content-ID: <alpine.LSU.2.21.1711011315320.12823@Telcontar.valinor>
On Wednesday, 2017-11-01 at 11:16 -0000, Marco Calistri wrote:
Il 31/10/2017 21:00, Carlos E. R. ha scritto:
Content-ID: <nycvar.YFH.7.76.1711010000210.17534@zvanf-gvevgu.inyvabe>
El 2017-10-31 a las 17:32 -0000, Marco Calistri escribió:
>> It happens when mail software (such as that which runs the mailing >> list) simply inserts its own signature in its own encoding without >> paying attention to the encoding the user has chosen. > > So this means that sometimes you have seen same strange fonts on > other > users email posting on this ML?
I have seen it elsewhere, such as on the Linux kernel mailing lists (which is using Majordomo).
Oh! Many thanks indeed, I was getting crazy trying to modify my settings to resolve this occurrence!
It is indeed related to your settings, but I don't remember which. The question has been asked in the past, and IIRC it happens to people using MIME which the mail list software does not support.
If not MIME then some other word.
I see some user is "always free" of this issue, may be he is using the right settings for our mailing-list manager.
It doesn't happen to me :-)
Right, you are garbage-font free certified! ;-)
You can search for a post 2016-09-12, "Garbage at the end of my emails" where we commented on this.
It happens to people using "Base64". The hack for the moment (years) is not use Base64.
Dunno if Thunderbird, which I use as my default client has the option to disable base64. I will look for this feature on Google.
The list software adds a footer with instructions to unsubscribe in plain text, and this breaks.
I understand it happens on all lists.
May be the feature to filter out base64 should be on the list manager software.
-- Cheers, Carlos E. R. (from openSUSE 42.2 x86_64 "Malachite" at Telcontar)
Regards, -- Marco Calistri �{.n�+�����������}�-����{.n�+������Ǩ��r��i�m��0��ޙ�������}�-���� ޮ�^�ˬz�
Changed a setting in Thunderbird output mail: West (ISO-8859-1). Let's see... -- Marco Calistri