Thanks to all who helped, and for the locale pointer, and my apologies for a misunderstanding of the reason, and wasting time of the list.. My locale was apparently set to iu_CA ("Inuktitut language locale for Nunavut, Canada"). I have no recollection setting it to that value or any value in the last 2 weeks, but I might have, being in Canada. Apart from updates, I installed GNUCash and a few editors (nano, joe) recently. Not sure any of these could make the change in user locale. My appologies again, I should have thought about locale to start with, I remember I checked but only looked at the flag, and missed the "iu" element. Thanks Milan PS: My locales before the change: su -------------------------------------- su:~ # locale LANG=POSIX LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC="POSIX" LC_TIME="POSIX" LC_COLLATE="POSIX" LC_MONETARY="POSIX" LC_MESSAGES="POSIX" LC_PAPER="POSIX" LC_NAME="POSIX" LC_ADDRESS="POSIX" LC_TELEPHONE="POSIX" LC_MEASUREMENT="POSIX" LC_IDENTIFICATION="POSIX" LC_ALL= su:~ # echo $LANG POSIX regular user: -----------------------------
echo $LANG iu_CA.UTF-8
------------------- On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 7:35 AM, Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> wrote:
Am Sonntag, 7. Februar 2016, 18:15:56 CET schrieb Milan Zimmermann:
On Tue, Feb 2, 2016, Felix Miata <mrmazda@earthlink.net> wrote:
Milan Zimmermann composed on 2016-02-02 11:23 (UTC-0500):
I will report a bug, but wanted to check here first if anyone sees this.
I noticed this last weekend, that (I think) after one of last week's updates, some applications (I noticed in Java Ide Netbeans) changed fonts. Then I noticed that konsole shows things like:
mzimmermann@home-server:~/airlift-syus/syus-cloud/projects/syus-on- cubifier> date á“• á••á•— 2 11:18:50 EST 2016
Charset mismatch prevents me from telling what you're trying to show.
I am attaching a small image. In is even more interesting. For a regular user, commands like "date" and "ls -l", the day of week and month name are mangled; For superuser it is ok
Please compare the output of locale as user and as root.
In the default settings, root has locale, which explains why you get the readable english date.
Your user probably has a totally different locale. I'm not sure from which language those chars come, but it's clearly not using the "usual" (for me - people in other countries will disagree) latin letters ;-)
Which Konsole version is installed?
I'm quite sure this problem is not causes by Konsole (or xterm or whatever) - otherwise you would see similar problems after switching to root with 'su'.
Christian Boltz -- Ich glaube ich versteh' jetzt auch, warum die modprobe.conf nur noch eine extrem simple Syntax hat. Denn das meiste muss man sowieso beim booten laden. Und der Rest wird ueber den hotplug Krempel "quasi-manuell" geladen (da nur (vom Distributor) verscriptet). Yippie-ah-yea-ah, Schweinebacke, also DAS nennt ich Fortschritt. [David Haller in suse-linux]
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