On Friday 2022-11-25 16:10, Dominique Leuenberger / DimStar wrote:
All the ports are up to the larger community and interested parties to be maintained. So if Factory moves to v3, and somebody really cares to maintain a v2 port at that time, we'll have to tripple efforts (or hopefully give up on v1 by then)
You had the balls to create openSUSE:Factory:LegacyX86 so that changed the care-o-meter metrics of and for the playing field. I'll put forward to stern options: # TW stays v2 and I care about :LegacyX86 as much as I do for :zSystems # TW goes v3 (ALP wants it too![1]) and I take care of LegacyX86 inasmuch I did for the i586 portion of present-day-Factory. (I don't know if i586 involvement could be meaningfully measured, or whether the contributions were not insignificant enough to make a difference, so I'll just run with the statistical uncertainty.) [1] <20221129084848.GA28663@suse.com>