"Simon" == Simon Lees <sflees@suse.de> writes:
Simon> On 4/27/22 08:39, Aaron Puchert wrote:
Am 26.04.22 um 19:20 schrieb Axel Braun:
Contact the maintaners of server:dns directly for an override.
Exactly, you can also add a comment @mentioning them, just like the staging-bot does it. The bot will only ping package maintainers if they are explicitly specified, but project maintainers can also accept this.
Simon> You can also try and directly email them, some of us get very large Simon> numbers of comments and can often miss them. Which he did with no response, so that ship has sailed I am afraid. The question is not relevant to one single incident, when people bring issues to the mailinglist, the common and then logical answer is create an issue at bugzilla. So Jo the happy chap does as told creates the bugzilla, and 80 % (arbitrary number but let's say Pareto rule) the issue is solved. The remaining 20% is the extra debt that is on the system. There is a fix, SR to the upper project in this case server:dns if and when that is approved there would be another SR to factory and finally sometime in the near future the old SR would end up in production. So the question how do we solve this not for now but for the future as well ? Thanks Togan -- Life is endless possibilities, and there is choice!