I fired up the firewall via YaST and got the following message: "Another Firewall Active Another kind of firewall is active in your system. If you continue, SuSEfirewall2 may produce undefined errors. It would be better to remove the other firewall before configuring SuSEfirewall2. Continue with configurations?" This was puzzling because I had not bothered installing any additional firewall since loading TW on my laptop. Clicking "Continue" shows that the firewall was not running. Typing "firewall" into the Software Manager brought up two entries: SuSEfirewall2 and yast2-firewall My guess was yast2-firewall was the offending party, so I tried accessing it from the yast CLI. Under Security and Users > Firewall, I could see quite clearly that the firewall was running and enabled. But if this is the case, why is this option not being reflected in the GUI YaST2? Are they not the same thing?