Today in the mid of a backup of the hard disk to a Blu Ray disk, I see the speed of the burning process fall from 8.0x to 0.1x, with the risk to ruin the Blu Ray disk. Opening konsole, and executing top, I see was running korgac and baloo_file. Killing the 2 processes korgac and baloo_file, the speed of the burning process returned to a normal value. They are no way to setup korgac and baloo_file to NOT RUN, when a critical task which needs all the capacity of the read speed of the hard disk is running? Thanks, Juan -- USA LINUX OPENSUSE QUE ES SOFTWARE LIBRE, NO NECESITAS PIRATEAR NADA Y NI TE VAS A PREOCUPAR MAS POR LOS VIRUS Y SPYWARES: Puedes visitar mi blog en: -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: