Hello, Am Dienstag, 7. Februar 2006 19:32 schrieb Peter Buschbacher:
I am trying to help a friend to install suse on his ASUS A6V Laptop. [beta3] The Installation Process was working well until it should start x in the end. The same problem as with 10.0 before. We tried to compile the proprietary ati driver 8.20.8-i386.run without succes from the commandline.
According to a bugzilla entry (don't ask for the number ;-) the radeon (open source) driver was broken (in several cases, but it works on my machine) and will be better in beta4. There are also some issues with fglrx in bugzilla - but without knowing more details, I can't tell if your problem is a known bug. Please search bugzilla yourself ;-) The next possible bug is that YaST created a non-working xorg.conf - please enter that in bugzilla also if nobody did before and attach your y2logs and /var/log/SaX.log.
We wanted to configure the monitor settings from Yast, but Yast just did not open (several tries).
Please check bugzilla if there is a similar report already. If not, please create a bugreport and attach the y2logs to it.
CTRl + ALT + Fx did not skip to a commandline-login but restarted x to kdm or xdm (I dont know for sure). Strange, not?!
radeon or fglrx driver? Again: please check bugzilla and report your problem if nobody did it before. Required attachments in this case: /etc/X11/xorg.conf, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old
We hope most of the problems can be fixed by the final release.
If you file bugreports ;-) Regards, Christian Boltz --
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