On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 7:43 AM Bjørn Lie <bjorn.lie@gmail.com> wrote:
lø., jan. 29 2022 at kl. 07.16 -0500 -0500 skrev Neal Gompa <ngompa13@gmail.com> følgende:
It didn't work because you didn't use "%{version}-%{release}". Without that, it won't correctly obsolete older builds where the version is the same.
Basically, never use "%{version}" for this case, always use "%{version}-%{release}".
Noted for future ref, for now I went with the versionless Obsolete all past, present and future versions of orig-addon, granted that might come back and bite me in the behind should we ever want to reintroduce orig-addons for bad/ugly.
As a general point, the only case where you should use "%{version}" instead of "%{version}-%{release}" for Requires is when the package is *not* from the same source package. For Conflicts/Obsoletes/Provides, you should basically *always* use "%{version}-%{release}" instead of "%{version}" because of this and many other cases where the latter fails to do the right thing. Tons of openSUSE packages do the wrong thing here and I know that it has caused issues in the past with upgrades, even if people haven't necessarily figured it out because understanding debugsolver output is *hard*. I figured it out a while ago as part of bringing DNF into openSUSE and debugging all the failure modes for big upgrades with Zypper that I've experienced over the years. -- 真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!