On 10.03.2024 09:55, Lew Wolfgang wrote:
On 3/9/24 21:21, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
On 10.03.2024 02:48, Joe Salmeri wrote:
I also have another server which is headless and using xrdp which has multiple Remote Desktop users.
When you try to research the topic it seems many people confuse Remote Desktop with Remote Control.
Remote Desktop is multiple remote sessions with different users, Remote Control is remote access sharing the desktop session of the currently logged in user.
I cannot switch to wayland until Remote Desktop is supported.
A Wayland session is defined by a running Wayland compositor. No remote access to the Wayland session is possible as long as the compositor is not running. So the only possible mode of remote access *is* Remote Control in your definition.
KWin supported virtual backend for almost 10 years and "kwin_wayland --virtual" should work. If your KDE session enables remote access you should be able to connect remotely to "kwin_wayland --virtual".
What is missing is Display Manager layer where you could connect to the system, authenticate and have your session started. That is what you define as Remote Desktop. Or to put it differently - it is not possible transparently, you cannot replace connection to one compositor (greeter session) by connection to another compositor (user session). But vncserver mode should work - ssh into the remote system and start some script that launches headless Wayland session, then connect to it using your program of choice.
I remain confused about Wayland, please pardon my asking for clarification about it. My users and I center our workflow around logging into remote servers with "ssh -X" and then running GUI programs on the servers with the graphical output, keyboard, and mouse presented locally. They may simultaneously log into multiple remote servers and display their outputs locally, possibly in multiple virtual KDE desktops. Some users may also connect via xrdp to export the entire remote desktop.
Does Wayland support networked connections similar to X11?
If not, will it in the future?
No (at least, everything so far indicates that Wayland will never be extended over network).
If not, what are the alternatives beside staying with X11?
waypipe for "ssh -X". For "exporting entire desktop" both KDE and GNOME should support desktop sharing in Wayland.
If Wayland does support remote connections, what port(s} does it use? Are connections encrypted? What of authentication?
Desktop sharing is usually using RDP or VNC. You need to check your DE manuals what options they support. It is completely out of scope for Wayland.
Thanks in advance for hopefully good answers.
Regards, Lew