Dear Package maintainers and hackers. Below package(s) in openSUSE:Leap:15.2 have been failing to build for at least 4 weeks. We tried to send out notifications to the configured bugowner/maintainers of the package(s), but so far no fix has been submitted. This probably means that the maintainer/bugowner did not yet find the time to look into the matter and he/she would certainly appreciate help to get this sorted. - python-Fabric3 - python-celery-batches - python-flower - python-raven - python-six-doc Unless somebody is stepping up and submitting fixes, the listed package(s) are going to be removed from openSUSE:Leap:15.2. Kind regards, openSUSE release team <> N�����r��y隊Z)z{.���r�+�맲��r��z�^�ˬz��N�(�֜��^� ޭ隊Z)z{.���r�+��0�����Ǩ�