On Friday, 7 May 2021 23.06.24 CEST Joe Salmeri wrote:
Thanks very much for those details!
I tried to find more details on what those softfails were about but I'm still finding my way around the openqa site.
Is there a link where I can go to see the additional details you were seeing regarding those softfails? That'd be real helpful in the future.
From openqa.opensuse.org/ you can click on the latest build of Tumbleweed showing a test result overview, e.g. https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/overview? distri=microos&distri=opensuse&version=Tumbleweed&build=20210506&groupid=1 then you will see a page with colored circles representing the test job result for each, yellow meaning "softfailed". Each circle can be clicked to show details of each job, e.g. https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/1730511 on that page one can scroll down until finding a test module result in the table view called "softfailed", again the same yellow color. In the row there are little thumbnail boxes, called "steps", one says "Soft Failed". When you click on it you will find a bug reference to https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1178761 so not the same bug as Fabian mentioned but an earlier one with similar symptoms. I just added a link between two bugs in bugzilla to provide that context. Find more details about the individual job results and their meanings on http://open.qa/docs/#_jobs Have fun, Oliver