On 09/08/2019 19:36, Axel Braun wrote:
I'm having trouble to compile a package for Tumbleweed - Leap compiles fine!
The issue is the above message, where obviously some part of icu is not found From the make-file: --- CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX(unicode/uvernum.h HAVE_ICU_H) if (NOT HAVE_ICU_H) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the libicu-dev package") endif()
find_library(LIBICU_PATH_1 NAMES icuuc) find_library(LIBICU_PATH_2 NAMES icui18n)
if (NOT LIBICU_PATH_1 OR NOT LIBICU_PATH_2) message(FATAL_ERROR "Please install the libicu-dev package") else() link_libraries(icuuc icui18n) endif() ----
Looks like the link_libraries(icuuc icui18n) does not work.
Log file: https://build.opensuse.org/build/home:DocB:Orthanc/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/x86_6... orthanc/_log
Please wrap your links in emails inside <>, so that the hard wrap does not break them. Like that: <https://build.opensuse.org/build/home:DocB:Orthanc/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/x86_64/orthanc/_log>
Any idea?
This is more of a JFYI email than a solution. I went to download the sources from Orthanc website and built them in normal environment -- all fine on Tumbleweed 20190806. See attached log. I went on their website and downloaded sources (1.5.7). I have also installed civetweb from your repository. All other dependencies were from official repos. I believe you just need libicu-devel and its dependencies. Although I must say in some cases they write incorrect listfiles. Usually, I install dependencies as I build, i.e. I install a dep after an error. When written correctly, CMake listfiles pick up missing dependencies upon reconfiguration, but in some cases a clean reconfiguration was required -- this should not happen. They are using their own arcane way of detecting almost all of the dependencies instead of using standard find_package() calls and writing CMake modules or CMake config files. Anyways.