On Mon, 2021-09-27 at 11:38 -0700, L A Walsh wrote:
On 2021/09/23 00:59, Richard Brown wrote:
Don't use tumbleweed-cli - this is a perfect example of how it is stupid
Rollback using snapper
If TW-cli is broken, perhaps that needs to be fixed?
This sort of response is sort of standard on this mailing list - you're expected to share tribal knowledge that certain official or semi- official tools are broken and shouldn't be used. You're also expected to have a digest of the latest 12 months of posts on this ML in your memory... ;-)
Saying to use anything but the defaults isn't acceptable where other options are offered as valid options.
If they are not valid options -- if they won't work, then they should not be offered as such.
I agree, if there's consensus that tumbleweed-cli is broken (I don't know, I'm no user of it), it should be removed from the official Factory repositories, or at least modified to print a big fat warning before doing anything else.
This is where I get into trouble -- is that I am offered options to use or stick with "X" where I already have "X" working. I stick with it, and then see quotes like:
If you diverge from the defaults, you should be prepared for the consequences of your decisions.
And those consequences are listed where? How can anyone deal with "random" consequences if they aren't listed anywhere. From the various install options, it doesn't tell you anything about "consequences", and even on here, when an old method that was supported no longer works, people will say "That's no longer supported" (usually after-the-fact of it having been accepted as a valid option on some install).
OTOH, maybe use of TW needs to have more cautionary statements next to it, like a requirement to use btrfs+have snapper working?
TW is close to upstream, and many upstream projects work like this. And it's understandable to some degree, maintaining secondary tools in rapidly evolving projects is hard. I am not sure if tw-cli was ever an official part of factory. AFAICS it was rather not, it was a personal project of an individual, provided for convenience, not developed inside the core distribution. You can never be sure that tools like this will continue working. If you really rely on tw-cli, I guess you'll have to become part of its community and help maintaining it. Regards Martin