On 01.09.2021 15:57, Manfred Schwarb wrote:
Am 01.09.21 um 14:41 schrieb Manfred Schwarb:
Am 01.09.21 um 14:29 schrieb Daniel Noga:
Dne 01. 09. 21 v 14:23 Manfred Schwarb napsal(a):
Hi, when looking up packages on software.opensuse.org, there are no hits for Leap 15.3 [e.g. search for "libaec", only Leap 15.2 shows up]. I guess this is not intentional. Does anybody have a clue? Where to report?
Cheers, Manfred
As Leap 15.3 is not one repository any more and it is three repositories joined together, it looks different. If it is Leap package from SLE, you will see it in "Unsupported distributions" in SUSE:SLE-15:GA , if it is community package, you will see it in openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP3 and if it is Leap specific package (only a few packages, mainly cosmetic packages), you will see it as Leap 15.3.
OK, thanks for explanation. But when looking up "glibc", it does not show up as "Leap 15.3", not in "SUSE:SLE-15:GA" and not as "openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP3". Same for package "ncurses" for example.
And data/packages are available. If you take the ncurses link taken from the s.o.o search for Leap 15.2 and replace 15.2 with 15.3, you are where you want to be. On the level of build.opensuse.org, there are no such complications, packages are merged to one access point. As it should be.
Actually no, it is not what happens. On build.opensuse.org level binary packages built as part of another project are imported into openSUSE:Leap:15.3. But nothing in metadata of these packages identifies them as belonging to Leap 15.3. Thinking more about it, single binary may be imported into any number of unrelated projects, so this is probably correct. So OBS search for binary packages (which is what s.o.o search is using) has no way to identify binary package as belonging to or even being related to Leap 15.3.
But I agree, that very not intuitive from UX perspective.
But the user is not interested to know from where the package origins. And the user does not want to download things from a unsupported distribution...
It surely should be possible to merge repositories for s.o.o?
This means *building* binary packages inside of openSUSE:Leap:15.3 which entirely defeats the new workflow of importing existing binary packages built inside of SLE (Backport). I tried to open issue for OBS search, but response was "not a bug": "But all of this is not an OBS code issue. Either report it for software.o.o or to the leap 15.3 release managers." Personally I still think this *is* OBS issue - it lacks API necessary to search for imported binary packages. I have no way to ask "list binary packages available via this project". But well ... if you are concerned, raise it up with "leap 15.3 release managers" ... although non-functional search for Leap 15.3 packages was mentioned multiple times on this list and no response from "leap 15.3 release managers" so far. And this non-functional search will also remain for any future openSUSE release that follows current development model (importing binary packages instead of building them).