Andreas Hanke <> writes:
I'd like to know if / propose that the following bugs are candidates for inclusion in the package management update:
- Option to disable missing signature complaints is not persistent
It will go in since it's fixed.
Not because of its severity - it's actually labelled as "Minor" in Bugzilla - but because of the number of duplicates. It seems to annoy quite a lot of people. Fix available - can it be included?
Yes, already in my internal test build. We just wait for a fix for zen-updater that crashes on some systems in a reliable way (we had to take another update for it). As soon as that is fixed, we release new packages for testing - and mark them official. The current packages are good - but do not refresh with the ZENworks tools, so if something is newer on the server you will not notice it. Workaround: Run yast online_update. This is fixed now, so these fixes will also go out: * Optimize and fix downloading of type zypp * Fix refreshing repositories of type zypp (#154990) * Add support for key handling to zmd, rug, zen-updater (#173920) * Fix zen-updater to handle installation of patch and package together (#178015) I did not list each bugzilla number in my README.
- Too many YaST/zmd related directories left behind in /var/tmp
Probably rather cosmetic, but ugly. No fix available so far according to Bugzilla, and not that important. But maybe later?
We're working on it, it might go out as well.
- "Taboo" flag is not persistent in the package manager
This one has several duplicates which are not yet marked as such. Doesn't seem to be implemented at all right now, but is a needed feature. Later?
Yes, will come later, Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger,, SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126