30 Jan
30 Jan
On 1/30/19 9:46 AM, Ludwig Nussel wrote:
Michael Ströder schrieb:
On 1/29/19 5:37 PM, Ludwig Nussel wrote:
No. Same procedure as usual :-)
Maybe it's me but I don't understand it. This "process description" is full of jargon not understandable for an outsider like me.
Feel free to rephrase and extend the wiki text with the expanations Wolfgang gave.
I somewhat expected this answer. The problem is that I cannot even extract something from the answers in this thread which would make up a clear and concise process description. Which in itself might indicate that there is no clear process.
I'm sure you are not the only one who finds that article rather terse :-)
Length of an article does not make it more clear. Ciao, Michael.