Hi, I tried network installation on 2 different machines and both failed with mysterious message "install program exit code is 134" The hardware is IBM ThinkPad T30 and T21. I first tried with boot CD from 10.1RC2 and then with boot.iso from the factory. I tried mirrors ftp.gwdg.de and mirrors.kernel.org. The result is consistent--exit code 134. It downloads root file system (70MB), mounts it, kicks off yast, I confirm license, then select new installation or update (T31 is clean, T21 has 10.1beta2 installed) and moment later it blows with 134 error. VT3 shows this: starting setctsid `showconsole` inst_setup yast install program exit code is 134 Am I doing something obviously wrong here or is it a bug in root image? Shall I report it to bugzilla? Thanks, -Kastus