Attendees: Zack, Lubos Kocman, Jose Lausuch, Anton Smorodskiy Problems: password for the cloud provier (for login that allows you to create instances in public cloud) for gco, amazon, azure Task for Zack to reach out to Oliver Kurz, regarding where could we store passoword on public openqa worker Anton mentioned that we have a service (vote) that gives you a temporary credentials that work for 4 hours or so. Jose provided link https://www.vaultproject.io/ Anton: recommends to start with the smoke test module http://openqa.suse.de/tests/8139536# Test code would be same as with openSUSE, and we don't really need any needles as we're working solely with serial console. (Small demo of internal openqa ^ show off of the link above) The code of tests is opensource https://github.com/os-autoinst/os-autoinst-distri-opensuse, the only missing part is the info for workers/passwords. Ralf Unger can be contacted regarding budget Current openSUSE Board Treasurer: Syds Bearda Seems like the smoketest could be handled task0 - Talk to Robert Schweikert and Alex Osthof regarding where/which images are used for Public Cloud. And also where are they published on download-o-o Relevant task for 15.3: https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/76660 Is this images from here? https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Cloud:/Images:/Leap_15.3/images/ (Currently developed version is Leap 15.4, Beta will be by end of February). We do publish only GA images. task1 - Talk to Oliver Kurz regarding storing credentials (okurz) task2 - (Lubos) talk to Ralf Unger and Sysd regarding Budget for testing