7 Apr
7 Apr
Hi Adrian, probably more a topic for the arm mailing list, but I found it here anyway.. Am Mo., 4. Apr. 2022 um 19:53 Uhr schrieb Adrian Campos <adriancampos@teachelp.com>:
Well without going into details I am thinking that I am currently working on: home:alefnode:GSI-Phone
But I think we should pass it to devel: devel:ARM:Factory:Contrib:GSI-images
Yes, I'd appreciate that. Maybe a slightly better name would be ...:Contrib:Android-GSI ?
I currently have the VollaPhone image created (final images are in github as OBS has no positibility to create zips), but more devices will probably appear in the near future.
What do you think?
If you're willing to continue to maintain it, then we'll set that up for you! Greetings, Dirk