El mié, 28 abr 2021 a las 9:33, Luna Jernberg (<droidbittin@gmail.com>) escribió:
https://news.opensuse.org/2021/04/28/opensuse-leap-153-enters-rc-phase/ https://get.opensuse.org/testing/
The 15.3 RC is out now
I installed it today and the process worked fine, except the partition manager, which wanted to install Leap 15.3 on the Tumbleweed root partition (sda1) and must make a manual partition, formatting the old Leap 15.1 root partition (sdb1). The hardware detection worked fine. Yet begins the worst part: VLC is unable to play videos encoded with h264. I added the Packman repo, but the vlc and vlc-codecs packages aren't present on the repo at this time. Openshot is version 2.4.1 when the version 2.5.0 with hardware encoding and decoding has more than a year. Installing Openshot 2.5.1 from the build repo is not possible, because it needs Python(abi) 3.8, and the version installed by default is 3.6. When I started Firefox I got a warning to create a new profile, because the Firefox of Leap 15.3 is much older than the version 88 of Tumbleweed. When I started Tumbleweed and executed Firefox, it started with the empty configuration from the Firefox of Leap 15.3, and must edit the file /.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini to get the original profile in Tumbleweed. I really don't understand why Leap uses such old libraries and applications. It is disappointing. Regards, Juan -- USA LINUX OPENSUSE QUE ES SOFTWARE LIBRE, NO NECESITAS PIRATEAR NADA Y NI TE VAS A PREOCUPAR MÁS POR LOS VIRUS Y SPYWARES: http://www.opensuse.org/es/ Puedes visitar mi blog en: http://jerbes.blogspot.com.ar/