28 Jun
28 Jun
Am 28.06.21 um 07:21 schrieb Manuel Quintero Fonseca:
Hi, when running 0ad the game won't open, it shows the following error: 0ad 0.0.24b-6.8
saku@openSUSE:~> 0ad TIMER| InitVfs: 1.83662 ms Writing the mainlog at /home/saku/.config/0ad/logs/mainlog.html TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 2.05862 ms /usr/bin/pyrogenesis: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/pyrogenesis: undefined symbol: _ZN2JS16PrepareZoneForGCEPNS_4ZoneE, version mozjs_78
Here is a ticket open two days ago: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1187732 Br, Frank