Dne 06.12.2015 v 13:08 Basil Chupin napsal(a):
On 06/12/15 22:22, Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
I have to wonder if you really have to send this mail at all? Is there some technical information or any positive addition for all those people subscribed here?
And in turn I have to ask the very same of you.
What technical information have YOU provided in the diatribe you post here? This is just https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tu_quoque
You would not believe how happy I am not having to read carlos and his bullshit everyday and now you start with this?
Oh. Not nice at all. Text containing crude references to bovine excrement are frowned upon in family lists such as these but it doesn't Since when is opensuse-factory "family list"? It is mailing list inteded for discussions about development of Tumbleweed and now Leap as well. It however unfortunatelly seems that sometimes, someone start to use this ml as replacement for proper social interaction or perhaps some sort of debate club. seem to worry you. However, what I wrote appears to have you wetting your knickers.
I, for one, am not interested in any form or shape of what makes you happy or does not make you happy. I have never heard of you, have never heard from you as far as I know, and don't really care if I hear from your ever again. This suggests that you are not much involved in development of TW of Leap, otherwise this name would ring a bell. Furthermore I would kindly remind you that openSUSE is, if I recall correctly considered meritocracy, thus people who do the work have more rights then people who do only talking, such as for example you. How you feel does not matter to me 'per se' but I would be concerned if you were being bombed or tortured or otherwise being physically abused for no reason. But as far as you being unhappy about what you read here means zilch to me.
Unless you have technical addition to discussion please consider in future not sending an email.
Then also please pay attention to what you have just requested. I, too, don't give a tinker's to have to read about your whinges or what your desires or otherwise are or wish them to be. Have you considered finding some more usefull way to use your time than post to this mailing lists? Perhaps finding some hobby?
Cheers Martin Pluskal