---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Luna Jernberg <droidbittin@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 5:34 PM Subject: Re: ALP Community WG workshop next week: Consuming community content in SUSE's ALP To: Lubos Kocman <Lubos.Kocman@suse.com>, bittin <bittin@opensuse.org>, Luna Jernberg <droidbittin@gmail.com>, YaST-devel <yast-devel@opensuse.org> Cc: factory@opensuse.org <factory@opensuse.org>, project@lists.opensuse.org <project@lists.opensuse.org>, Guillaume Gardet <guillaume.gardet@arm.com>, Scott Bahling <sbahling@suse.com>, Max Lin <MLin@suse.com>, Wolfgang Engel <Wolfgang.Engel@suse.com>, Douglas DeMaio <DDeMaio@suse.com> Hey! Busy with other stuff then, but will continue to test D-Installer when there is a new image next week :) On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 5:32 PM Lubos Kocman <Lubos.Kocman@suse.com> wrote:
Hello openSUSE!
I'd like to invite you to a next Tuesday's (14:30 UTC) ALP Community *WG meeting where we'd like to start collecting ideas for how to consume community software in SUSE's ALP.
Link to meeting minutes, lucid spark board, and meeting details including how to connect can be found here: https://etherpad.opensuse.org/p/weeklymeeting
We're not looking for any implementation details, but rather high-level ideas and requirements. We're in a different position than with Leap 15 as ALP is developed fully in the open, therefore we can build on top of something which is already public.
All attendees should make themselves familiar with the current state of the ALP *prototype, the work of *D-Installer (standalone media that can install any openSUSE Distribution), etc.
[0]https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:ALP/Workgroups/Community [1]https://news.opensuse.org/2022/10/27/call-for-testing-next-gen-installer/ and https://github.com/yast/d-installer [2]https://www.suse.com/c/the-first-prototype-of-adaptable-linux-platform-is-li...
Best regards
Lubos Kocman openSUSE Leap Release Manager