Andreas Jaeger wrote:
We're replacing our package manager resolver library with a new version called "libzypp". This integration is more complex than estimated and therefore we decided:
* to have beta4 available a day later than planned
* to have an additional beta5 next week
* the package manager in beta4 will only have reduced functionality
We're still working on the integration of "libzypp" into our tree and hope to have both update and new installation working.
Together with libzypp, we get the zmd daemon, the rug command line interface, the zen-updater, zen-remover, zen-installer packages. They all handle YUM sources and additionally Zenworks servers as installation sources.
Note that I'm not sure whether YaST sources will still be supported - or only YUM sources. I'll try to figure this out now.
IMPORTANT: The current factory tree contains the first of these changes and I advise to not update the yast components from it!
Andreas: Where I can found information about this tools? and the **technical** reasons,advantages..and why this stuff was changed ?