On Fri, 20 Mar 2020 07:38:32 +0100, Michal Kubecek <mkubecek@suse.cz> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 09:45:49AM +1030, Simon Lees wrote:
On 3/20/20 7:26 AM, Larry Finger wrote:
It is not the guest additions. That needs to be done from within the guest. I also need to run VM versions of Windows for certain tasks. At least, you can now download and install that iso file from the "Devices" menu item.
What I am talking about here is the PUEL-licensed stuff that adds the USB 2 and USB 3 drivers to the host code. With that license, we cannot distribute, but we could supply a script that ensures that it is always updated when you update to a new version of VB.
Is SUSE's Legal team happy to interpret that license in this way? otherwise the package is likely not to pass a legal review.
We used to have something like that for TTF font pack from Microsoft but it was a package (pullin-msttfonts or so - I still have a lock for it on some older systems) which anyone could decide not to install (IIRC it was installed by default for some period of time).
It is still available (and installed on most of my boxes) 12.2 fetchmsttfonts-11.4-10.1.4.noarch 13.1 fetchmsttfonts-11.4-15.3.1.noarch 13.2 fetchmsttfonts-11.4-17.3.1.noarch 42.1 fetchmsttfonts-11.4-18.5.noarch 15.1 fetchmsttfonts-11.4-lp151.43.1.noarch TW fetchmsttfonts-11.4-23.1.noarch
I'm pretty sure there are people who would object to mandatory installation of strangely lincensed Oracle stuff so I would suggest such script to be in a separate subpackage so that anyone could decide not to have it. It could still be installed by default (majority of virtualbox users seems to want it) but there should be an option to opt out.
Michal Kubecek
-- H.Merijn Brand http://tux.nl Perl Monger http://amsterdam.pm.org/ using perl5.00307 .. 5.31 porting perl5 on HP-UX, AIX, and Linux https://useplaintext.email https://tux.nl http://www.test-smoke.org http://qa.perl.org http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/stupid-disclaimers/