This sounds much more like a support question, as such it should have been sent to On 15/07/2019 17:28, wrote:
Hi Together,
since some month I've a lot of trouble with my about 20 Years old Home network, which was all running on Tumbleweed:
Server (NFS 4 Server which is sharing /home config via YaST): |- Client1 (/home mounted via & user via NIS) |- Client2 (/home mounted via & user via NIS) ... |- Client5 (/home mounted via & user via NIS)
Remark: Server and Client user are synced via NIS/YP configurated via YaST at Server and Client (basic setup was before about 20 years - last installation due to a root FS crash before about 1 year based on the Tumbleweed installation ISO).
On the most Clients KDE Plasma Crashes many times after login
If they are starting - it takes about 10 up to 30 minutes!!!! Afterwords the system hangs from time to time with normal load and only the tracker extract info below. What can I do? One client I installed the last ISO (from 8th July) but this one don't mount /home well, so I need to unmount it and mount again via:
umount -f /home ; systemctl start home.mount ; systemctl status home.mount
# cat /etc/fstab (extract) /home nfs defaults 0 0
# cat /etc/fstab (extract - also tested with nfs4) /home nfs4 defaults 0 0
# journalctl -xa (extract) Jul 13 10:33:23 client1 tracker-extract[6746]: If the error above is recurrent for the same item/ID, consider running "tracker-extract" in the terminal with the TRACKER_VERBOSITY=3 environment variable, and filing a bug with the additional information Jul 13 10:33:23 client1 tracker-extract[6746]: Could not insert metadata for item "file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/sysconfig.desktop": Subject `urn:uuid:xyz' is not in domain `nie:DataObject' of property `nie:dataSource'
If I call tracker manually, there will be the following output: # tracker extract -v detailed /usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/ ** Message: 19:36:49.371: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:49.371: General options: ** Message: 19:36:49.371: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:49.371: Sched Idle ........................... 1 (tracker-extract:4939): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:49.371: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:49.371: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'inode/directory' (from GIO) file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups: Es wurden keine Metadaten gefunden oder keine Entdecker, die mit dieser Datei umgehen können ulfi@baldo:~> tracker extract -v detailed /usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/* ** Message: 19:36:57.536: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.536: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.536: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.536: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.536: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 (tracker-extract:4955): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.537: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-hardware-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/hardware.desktop> nie:title "Hardware" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-hardware-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.554: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.554: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.554: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.554: Sched Idle ........................... 1 (tracker-extract:4969): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.554: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:57.554: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-high_availability-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/high_availability.desktop> nie:title "Hochverfügbarkeit" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-high_availability-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.569: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.569: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.570: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.570: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.570: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) (tracker-extract:4983): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.570: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-misc-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/misc.desktop> nie:title "Verschiedenes" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-misc-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.588: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 (tracker-extract:4997): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.588: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:57.588: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.588: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.588: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.588: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-network-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/network_services.desktop> nie:title "Netzwerkdienste" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-network-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.604: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.604: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.604: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.604: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.604: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 (tracker-extract:5011): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.604: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-security-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/security.desktop> nie:title "Sicherheit und Benutzer" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-security-group> .
(tracker-extract:5025): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.621: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:57.621: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.621: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.621: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.621: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.621: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-software-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/software.desktop> nie:title "Software" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-software-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.637: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 (tracker-extract:5039): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.637: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) ** Message: 19:36:57.637: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.637: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.637: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.637: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-support-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/support.desktop> nie:title "Unterstützung" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-support-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.656: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.656: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.656: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.656: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.656: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE (tracker-extract:5053): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.656: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-system-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/system.desktop> nie:title "System" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "/sbin/yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-system-group> .
** Message: 19:36:57.671: Starting tracker-extract 2.2.2 ** Message: 19:36:57.671: General options: ** Message: 19:36:57.671: Verbosity ............................ 2 ** Message: 19:36:57.671: Sched Idle ........................... 1 ** Message: 19:36:57.671: Max bytes (per file) ................. 1048576 (tracker-extract:5067): dconf-DEBUG: 19:36:57.671: watch_established: "/org/freedesktop/tracker/extract/" (establishing: 1) Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE Setting priority nice level to 19 Loading extractor rules... (/usr/share/tracker-miners/extract-rules) Extractor rules loaded MIME type guessed as 'application/x-desktop' (from GIO) @prefix nie: <> . @prefix nfo: <> . @prefix rdf: <> .
<urn:software-category:Settings> nie:title "Settings" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:System> nie:title "System" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:Qt> nie:title "Qt" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST-Virtualization> nie:title "X-SuSE-YaST-Virtualization" ; a nfo:SoftwareCategory .
<urn:theme-icon:yast-vm-group> a nfo:Image .
<file:///usr/share/applications/YaST2/groups/virtualization.desktop> nie:title "Virtualisierung" ; nfo:softwareCmdLine "yast2" ; nie:isLogicalPartOf <urn:software-category:Settings> , <urn:software-category:System> , <urn:software-category:Qt> , <urn:software-category:X-SuSE-YaST-Virtualization> ; a nfo:SoftwareApplication , nfo:Executable ; nfo:softwareIcon <urn:theme-icon:yast-vm-group> .
-- Simon Lees (Simotek) Emergency Update Team SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: